Timed vs Proportional Electric Brake Controller

There are a plethora of Brake Controller options available on the market, it is important to understand the intricacies and differences between said brake controllers and the overall impact it may have on your towing experience
  • Controllers we offer:  Reese Brakeman (Timed), Reese Pilot (Timed with LED Readout), Hayman Reese/Tekonsha Guardian iQ (Proportional and detachable), Tekonsha P2 & P3 Prodigy (Proportional, compatible with electric over hydraulic systems)


  • Timed Vs Proportional: A timed brake controller is very simple in function and offers a braking system which operates through a timed signal being sent when the brakes are pressed. On the other hand, proportional units utilise an accelerometer which detects the movement of the vehicle and applies appropriate signalling resulting in a much smoother braking experience


  • Wired vs Wireless: The wireless brake controllers currently offered on the market are a great idea, however, Bluetooth technology is still not at a point where it can replace such an integral safety feature. The current Bluetooth 4.0 technology that is an industry-standard in most consumer devices (and wireless brake controllers) is still susceptible to connection issues. A wired braking system that is powered directly from the battery of the vehicle provides a consistent flow of power and signal to the brakes. This ensures there are no compromises in your safety and also guarantees coverage from insurance providers.

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